Monday, January 18, 2016

Religious hypocrisy

If there is one thing that is difficult for me to tolerate, it’s religious hypocrisy. This is something that we see everywhere every day, unfortunately. It’s so rampant and so common that a lot of people have gotten to the point where it’s not even a big deal for them anymore. Well, it’s a big deal for me. I think if you’re going to get on your high horse about your religion and portray yourself as a follower of a religion in the public eye, then I think it’s kind of important to actually abide by the rules of your religion. Ya know, like not stealing or killing people or eating a forbidden food on a holy day. But maybe that’s just me? Dunno. I would like to think that religious hypocrisy would bother other people, too.

I bring this up because, recently, I asked a relative for forgiveness for a wrong I did to her last year. This was a small thing. It was not a crime or a sin or a social taboo. It was just something I did because she got me mad and refused to have respect for my boundaries. But then again, I was going through a lot last year, including an episode of negativity. I regretted the way I acted and what I said so I asked her for forgiveness in the Christmas card I sent to her.

But apparently, she must think that being a Christian doesn’t mean she has to forgive people, because she has not forgiven me. I have to accept this. At least I tried to mend fences!

But I also bring this up because one of my best friends is also a Christian, but she lives a life that is not exactly “Bible-approved.” I’m not going to say what it is here but it’s just that it’s not exactly something that can’t be fixed and yet it’s like fixing her situation is NOT happening and she continues to keep pushing the whole “I’m a Christian” thing like everything is fine. I love my friend and I won’t drop her under ANY circumstances. But I just can’t support her when she gets this way, because I know she is allowing something to continue that is a no-no in her religion but pushing herself as a person of this faith all the same.

This has been a difficult choice for me to make. I know religious hypocrisy when I see it and I just can’t cast a blind eye when it’s happening. It’s like asking someone to be okay with another person being bullied just because that person being bullied is gay. No, I am not okay with mistreating another human being!

I am the same way with myself. It is one of the reasons why I am no longer a Christian: I could never live by what the Bible instructs of its followers. Some things, yes, but not EVERYTHING. And it kinda requires followers to abide by all the rules and not just some of the rules. You don't get to pick and choose what parts of the Bible to follow. You gotta follow ALL the rules. Don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t kill, don’t commit adultery, don’t allow women to have any power over the husband, forgive others just as Jesus forgives you, etc. Ya know, that stuff. I refuse to be subservient to my husband – he and I are equals – so that’s one of the Bible rules I won’t submit to. (There’s also some other stuff but I won’t get into it here. But if anybody asks, I would discuss it!) Also, I personally feel that religion is an Earth-thing, and we are not of this Earth. Also, religion is being used to control people or justify murder. I really don't want to be a part of THAT crowd! I won't kill a person no matter what a religious book says to do, because I know in the end I must stand up before God to be judged. I don't want God to see me as a murderer. And I don't want God to see me as a hypocrite, either. That's why I walked away from religion. I would rather be a sinner than a hypocrite.

I understand that not everybody feels that way. I guess the people I mentioned above are okay with religious hypocrisy. It may bother me, but hey, they make their own choices in life. It's their life and not mine. Up to them how they live it. I still want them in my life and I still love them all the same. So even as my friends and family may be a hypocrite as far as their religion is concerned, I will not break ties with them. I am aware of when such a thing is going on, believe me. I have noticed it happening. But I’m not going to sever ties with them. I’ll still love them and support them when they need that support, just won’t be supporting their hypocrisy.


  1. The thing most people don't really get about the Bible is that the "rules" are meant to help us live better lives, not be condescending about people who don't follow the rules. Christianity's main theme is about loving each other, accepting, forgiving, and realizing none of us are perfect and never will be. It's not about "you must follow every rule," and anyone who preaches that is just silly, not to mention they drive people away.

    I've gotten away from the sectarianism part of religion. I'm Christian because I believe Christ's teachings of love and respect, for yourself and others. To me, it's that simple and others can believe however they choose. I can choose to not associate with those who are harmful to me while still accepting their right to their choices and often feeling sorry for as unhappy as they make themselves with their choices.

  2. Thanks for commenting. :) I really appreciate your thoughts on this! Thank you so very much for sharing your views.

    I am happy that you are at peace with your Christian religion. Sometimes, the world can be so confusing. So many people keep pushing how we must follow Christ's teachings to the very letter and since I can't follow all of those teachings, I started to believe their views that I was being a hypocrite. And I felt guilty about that.

    I have some relatives who are fanatical about the Christian religion. Unfortunately, they have gotten to where they keep judging others who do not live up to their standards of "following ALL the rules" and they have posted negative or unkind comments on my page reflecting as much.

    I know that we are all human. Humans are not perfect. And I know that we make mistakes. There is nothing wrong there. What bothers me is people knowingly committing a hypocrisy yet still acting like they are the perfect Christian.

    I am not looking down on people who make mistakes or are not perfect. That is NOT my intention at all. I will not judge others and I will not put down a person who is being a hypocrite. I just can't support them when they are acting like that or promoting a hypocrisy and they know they are doing so but don't care.

    I may no longer be a Christian but I DO believe we should love each other, forgive each other and be kind. I like to think that my religion is kindness. My not being a Christian does not mean I don't support Jesus' teachings. I mean thee are other religious leaders, such as Buddha, whose teachings I support and agree with, but I am not of that religion. I am not of any religion. I made the choice to step away from religion entirely because I believe that we are not confined by one set of beliefs.

    No judging going on here. No hating or putting down. Peace!

  3. I agree. You should look of Gnostic Christians. They believe, opposite of agnostics, that everything is possible and are very open toward spirituality more than religion. I'm more spiritual than religious, like you, also because there is far too much nastiness in the name of Christianity and that makes me sad. I also find it sad when others have been driven away by that nastiness. No preaching here, just understanding. Hugs!

  4. Thanks for clarifying on that. :) The nastiness makes me sad too. And I can't really get behind a religion that pushes murder in the name of God. Murder is still murder and even God said "vengeance is Mine." It is heartbreaking the terrible things people do in the name of their religion. I just watched a movie where religious fanatics burned a girl alive, claimimng she was a witch only because she was born out of wedlock. I realize that movie is fiction, but it's not too far off the mark. The case of fanatical parents beating to death a rebellious teen come to mind -- even though they said they did not intend to kill him. Thanks for letting me know about Gnostic Christians. I am vaguely familiar with them. I will look more into them. Hugs back! :)
