Sunday, September 19, 2021

We All Must Have Reproductive Freedom



There is a book called The Self Discovery Book: Inner Self Improvement by Michael Cavallaro. I have been reading this book and, recently, it pretty much explained something that I have not been able to put into words myself. It pretty much says that while a baby is growing in the womb, on a spiritual level, an abortion of this baby will happen if all three parties – the mother, father and baby spirit – are in agreement to it.


Here is an excerpt from that book with more information about the author’s view on this issue:


“In the human world, there are a lot of misjudgments and misunderstandings about abortion, killing life in the womb, etc. We want to take a moment to explain a concept for you to ponder.


“As the soul spirit connects to the embryo, there is still an opportunity to choose not to incarnate to the human form. Parents must decide if they actually want to have this child. This is a free will choice both on the side of the parents and the child itself. Let us be very clear: an abortion cannot take place unless all parties agree at some level. When parents decide they may not want a child, the child from the other side has the option to vote. If the child chooses to come through, the abortion will not take place.


“If the parents choose not to have the child and the child is in agreement that this choice is best for all parties, the child will consent to not coming in through the vehicle at this time, knowing that there are other opportunities. The being will wait until it is more conducive to the experience they want to have, rather than choose to come through parents who are not prepared or will not provide them with the opportunities that they require in this human state.


“Parents have the right to choose whether they want to be parents or whether they made a mistake by getting pregnant. Moral views are strictly human and have nothing to do with the spirit. Spirit consents and agrees to all choices. Spirit is non-judgmental and accepts the choices of all, for this is a free will planet.


“Sometimes a parent chooses to abort a child, thinking, “I will not be able to experience in this lifetime what I have come to do, so it is the best opportunity for all if I do not have the child at this time.” Many judgmental types will say this is morally wrong. But at no time does any one individual truly understand the choices others make. Judging another for their choices is utter foolishness. This may go against what you believe or have been taught but to be very, very clear, life is a free will choice on this planet, and free will means free.”


The author goes on to say that the soul does not enter the body until three months after birth, which is something I personally disagree with, but I do agree with his claim that we all have free will – man, woman, nonbinary – and we should ALL be allowed to exercise our free will and make our own choices – including reproductive choices.


Another thing the author seemed to forget is that the father may not always be “in agreement” with the abortion. I have come across many stories of when the father did not want the abortion to happen, but it happened anyway.


While I understand that abortion is not exactly “the murder of a human life” because the growing fetus is not 100% human until birth, I was not able to explain this in a way that made sense. In a way, it is like a growing plant. The seed sprouted and it is growing. It is fully a plant by the time it blooms and finishes development. The same applies to a growing fetus. Yes, they are both forms of life – everything that grows from a fertilized seed is a form of life, including what is inside the eggs that people eat. The growing fetus is not a baby until it has fully developed into a baby and is ready to be born.


My view, personally, is that abortion is actually something predetermined. We know what is going to happen to us before we are born. We even CHOOSE the things that will happen to us before we are born – including abortion. Yes, something like abortion is selected, because on the spiritual level, we know that we are entering a world where every single human on the planet has free will. Part of having free will means having the right to terminate a pregnancy.


Putting restrictions on that right is cruel punishment against all women because it is taking away their right to choose what happens to their bodies. It is, in essence, somebody else deciding that they should have control over all women and that they get to decide what these women can and cannot do. They think they know better, but they don’t.


It is wrong for a group of people to impose their religious beliefs about an issue affecting a minority on other people. Not everyone shares the same views about abortion. Not everyone is a Christian. Not everyone believes the same things about a select few in power who get to have a say over something which they should NOT be allowed to have a say over in the first place. Abortion is not a political issue; it is a PERSONAL issue. It is a human right which should be left to the decision of the person who actually has to carry the baby to term. Now, because these people in power decided to abuse their power and force their beliefs on every single woman in one state, a pregnant woman is literally being forced to give birth to an unwanted child, and who will likely abandon, abuse or neglect the child BECAUSE IT WAS UNWANTED.


Some people may think “Well, just give the baby up for adoption” but there are already hundreds of children waiting to be adopted. There are hundreds of children in the foster program yearning to have a family of their own. It doesn’t make sense to add more babies to those numbers. If a couple wants to adopt a baby, they have the option of making that arrangement themselves by other means aside from using the foster program or scanning the pool of hundreds of children available to be adopted.


The reason why I am pro-choice is because I understand that abortion is a personal choice. I cannot impose my beliefs about abortion onto other people. I will never force someone – including a frightened teenager whose boyfriend got her pregnant by accident or a woman impregnated by a rapist – to carry the baby to term, give birth to it and raise it. I would never force someone with a medical condition that could be passed onto their unborn fetus or could bring death for either her or the fetus through birth to go through with having the baby anyway. I would never force a woman who Does Not Want A Baby to have the baby. It is wrong to do so, in every case. But unfortunately, we live in a country where certain people in power seem to forget that we live in a world where we have the undeniable right to free will, and they are going to impose their force on all of those people anyway.

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